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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Your Childhood

Every parents want to keep happy of their child.To do so every parents need to know the efficient way to meet their demand and the proper needs for this time.

Touching on Baby's Head

What happen if you have touched these areas of Baby?


When you touch your baby's soft spots, known as the fontanels, you're not touching his brain.In that case you should be careful to touch his or her body.


If you continue habituated to touch heavily in the back side of your baby then it may give a different shape that would not be smart to you.

Baby's Chest

By the opinion of experts, the breastbone is formulate up of three parts. The indentation you notice is likely the small piece, angling backward. His or Her chest and belly muscles will pull it straight according to your baby grows.That is not a matter of worry for




After Every Feeding Need to Do

After each feeding breastfed babies may bankrupt because breast milk is so quickly digested. Mother should not feed anything without breast mild.research has shown that there is no more food is efficient without that.

Constant Hiccuping

It is not proved yet why young babies hiccup so much; some pointed out that it's due to a miscommunication between the brain and the diaphragm, the abdominal muscle that controls breathing. Regardless of their cause, hiccups are a harmless part of babyhood.


Newborn have an childish nervous system and scare easily, which are just two reasons why they drop so many hole. And crying is Kid's only way of broadcasting his needs. Simply put, he's wired to cry a lot, so though he may look anguished, he's not shocking himself.



Learnable environment: A newborn human's first move is to see for the nipples. Though the surrounding environment has an impact for creating the fundamental of its want. Research has shown that the newborn baby learn first lesson from the outlooking of the indoor,decoration,dress of parents and so on.

Seeing Baby's Pulse in His Fontanels

What you're seeing are the normal workings of your baby's circulatory system. Because the fontanels cover areas of the skull that have not yet fused together, they're soft, making veins and arteries visible.

Attitude of parents:Child-rearing attitudes are perception that predispose an individual to act either favorable or unfavorable toward a baby. Researchers have also studied more situation-specific through which parents interpret and react to events. These include cognition such as beliefs about parenting abilities,expectations about what children are capable of or should be expected to do, and reasons why children have behaved in a specific way.

N:B; You may learn from this

Written By
Md Rafiq


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