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A colourful presentation on parts of speach in bangla

to have a clear view on parts of speach...........

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Career advisor

We pass information, advice and guidance to assist you make decisions on learning, training and work.

Get advice on the variety stages of a job hunt, including how to enhance your interview technique and write an efficient CV. You can get help to search for your first job, get back into work or change career path .  

Your skills

Your interviewer wants to find out if you’ve got the skills to do the job, so they may ask:
  • what are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • what would your colleagues and friends say are your best qualities?
  • why should we hire you?
Know your strengths, and mention ones that are relevant to the job you're being interviewed for. Give examples from your previous work or life experience where possible.

Typical strengths employers look for are:
  • communication - getting on with different people
  • team working - being an effective team leader or team member
  • good attitude - being hard-working, honest, polite and co-operative
  • problem solving - using your initiative to identify solutions
  • enthusiasm - being positive
  • quick learner - taking on and understanding new tasks
  • determination - showing you’re focused on achieving goals
  • flexibility - doing a variety of tasks to achieve a common goal

The employer

To try and find out why you’ve applied for the job, your interviewer might ask you:

  • why do you want to work here?
  • what do you know about our company?
  • what can you do for us that someone else can't?
Show your knowledge of the company by knowing facts and figures, like:
  • what the product or service is
  • the size of the organization
  • last year's turnover figures, if applicable
  • the company’s competition
  • latest developments in the field
  • the history, goals, image and philosophy of the employer

About the job

Your interviewer will want to find out if you understand what the job’s about, so they may ask:
  • what do you think the main tasks and responsibilities will be?
  • what do you think the main challenges will be?
  • what would you do in the first week, month or year?
Make sure you read the job description thoroughly and research how the organisation operates.

Good answer:

'The main task is to supervise a team of sales staff to try to help them exceed sales targets. It's my responsibility to motivate them and pass on my sales experience to enable them to achieve more.'

Your ambitions

Your interviewer will want to find out if you are ambitious and have clear goals, so they may ask:
  • what are your goals?
  • where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Good answer:

'My first aim is to get a trainee chef position, then to work through level 2 and 3 qualifications in professional cookery to develop my skills.'

Team working

The interviewer wants to check you know how to work well in a team, so they may ask:
  • what makes a good team?
  • what makes a good team member?
  • what makes a good team leader?
They’re trying to find out if you know how a successful team operates, and if you're a good team player. They want to see that you can contribute constructively in a team, and you can work well with other team members.

Good answer:

'A good team needs to have clear objectives and goals, and procedures to help them work towards these. Each person needs to be clear what their role is, and what is expected of them. There needs to be openness and trust, and clear communication.


Unusual questions

You could be asked an unusual question like:
  • if you were a biscuit, what type of biscuit would you be?
  • if you were an animal, what type of animal would you be?

The interviewer knows that you won’t have prepared for this question, so they want to see if you can think on the spot and come up with an answer. Try to think of something that generally reflects you, but also has positives that you could apply to work.

Written By
Md Rafiq

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why we Love Junk Food to Healthy Food?

People spend most of the day away from home, whether if they're working or doing something else, but as every human, we get hungry and we have to eat, and nowadays most frequent solution is to eat fast food, also known as junk food. These fast foods can be very harmful for anybody whether you're a teenager, a kid, or an adult, if you eat it frequently

Benefit of Healthy food.
1.Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables or whole wheat chapattis and bread are high in fiber content. Fibers release energy slowly, this food keeps our stomach full for a longer time and we feel less hungry through the day. High fiber foods also keep your gastro-intestinal tract healthy thus controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar level.

2. The proteins that you derive from lean meat and nuts improve your brain functions. Have veggies either steamed or stir-fried. They hold all the nutrients intact unlike fried foods which drain out the essential nutrients.

3. Healthy food is not processed, hence they are low in calories and do not lose out on essential nutritional values. Having multi-grain breads, sprouts, low fat diary items (like skimmed milk, home-made paneer or curd) and fruits will give you a good amount of nutrition.

4. Since these foods are low in calories and Trans fat, therefore, it will help to control your weight. If you are overweight or obese, consult a doctor or nutritionist at the earliest and follow a high fiber low calorie diet strictly.

5. A daily diet of health and nutritional food will also give you a good heart preventing all sorts of heart diseases. It will also control your cholesterol, blood sugar level and blood pressure.

You see healthy food not only supplies you with proteins, minerals and essential nutrients but also has many added benefits. No disadvantages at all, only with the exception that it won’t be able to meet your temptations.

Do you find it hard to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food? Wondering how you can consume just the healthy stuff amidst a vast array of unhealthy and synthetic food products? Well, there are a few pointers that can help you out!

Major Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy/Junk Food:

Basically, the difference between healthy and unhealthy food often depends on their calorie and fat content. So, it is always better to know how to distinguish healthy foods from their unhealthier counterparts. And this post will help you do that! Following is a list of factors that you can check in order to keep yourself away from unhealthy/junk food
1. Oil Difference:

There are so many varieties of cooking oils in the market today that it can get really confusing to choose the healthier ones. The key difference between unhealthy and healthy oils is the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats they contain. Unsaturated fats are healthy. So, the oils with greater percentage of unsaturated fats are considered a healthier option. The saturated fat content in coconut oil is about 91 percent, whereas this percentage is only about 7 in canola oil. Palm oil, butter and lard are some of the unhealthy oils that contain a high level of saturated fats. Olive oil and sunflower oil are considered healthy, as they are low on saturated fats.
2. Nutrient Capacity:

Healthy foods are rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin D, etc. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains provide fiber. Leafy vegetables and dairy products low on fat provide calcium. Vegetables and fruits like banana, avocado, strawberries, apricots and cucumber are rich in potassium. Eggs, fish, orange juice and fortified milk are good sources of vitamin D. Unhealthy foods contain very little of the nutrients discussed above.
3. Refined And Unrefined Food:

During the process of refining, lots of enzymes, vitamins, and fibers are lost, which makes refined food unhealthy to some extent. The vegetable oils are originally good for health if consumed in reasonable amount. To increase the shelf life of the oil, it is partially hydrogenated and then used for cooking and baking. After the process of hydrogenation, the oil, which was formerly good, turns into less healthy trans-fat. The processed oil has disastrous long-term effects on the body. So, always try to use unrefined and unprocessed ingredients for maintaining better health.
4. Healthy Foods Are Rich In Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are essential to defend the body from free radicals, which can cause cancer. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and beans are rich sources of antioxidants.
5. Different Snacks:

It is very important to choose healthy snacks, because it is during snack time that we consume the unhealthiest of foods! It is healthier to have crunchy vegetables like celery and carrots with a low-fat dip instead of potato chips or French fries with an onion dip. Nuts and air popcorn are healthier than processed food snacks like chips. It is better to pack a small box of dried fruits instead of cookies or candies to munch on at office!
6. Healthy Diets Over Unhealthy Diets:

Healthy diets mainly consist of foods rich in nutrients such as fruits, legumes, whole grains, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and lean meat. On the other hand, diets loaded with saturated fats, added sugar, trans-fat and sodium are a complete no-no! Unhealthy diets often consist of fast foods or processed foods that are deficient in many nutrients and are filled with empty calories.
7. Risk Of Disease:

Following an unhealthy diet increases the risk of many health issues. It increases the chances of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. As per WHO, around 2.7 million people all over the world die every year due to the deficiency of nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits in their diet.
8. Healthy Food Is Rich in Complex Carbohydrates And Fibers:

Carbohydrates are categorized into simple and complex according to the structure of their molecules. Simple carbohydrates mainly contain sugar, while complex carbohydrates include starch and foods with high fiber content. A fiber rich diet improves the digestion process and gives energy. Simple carbohydrates provide energy, but they also lead to some side effects such as mood swings and obesity.
9. Healthy And Unhealthy Meats:

To know whether the meat selected is healthy or unhealthy, it is important to look at its fat content. Meats with low-fat content are healthier. Chicken without any skin, extra lean ground beef and low-fat turkey are considered healthier meats and should be used instead of regular beef, chicken, and hot dogs. Breaded or fried fish and meats should be avoided as the fat content is quite high in them
1. Oil Difference:

There are so many varieties of cooking oils in the market today that it can get really confusing to choose the healthier ones. The key difference between unhealthy and healthy oils is the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats they contain. Unsaturated fats are healthy. So, the oils with greater percentage of unsaturated fats are considered a healthier option. The saturated fat content in coconut oil is about 91 percent, whereas this percentage is only about 7 in canola oil. Palm oil, butter and lard are some of the unhealthy oils that contain a high level of saturated fats. Olive oil and sunflower oil are considered healthy, as they are low on saturated fats.
2. Nutrient Capacity:

Healthy foods are rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin D, etc. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains provide fiber. Leafy vegetables and dairy products low on fat provide calcium. Vegetables and fruits like banana, avocado, strawberries, apricots and cucumber are rich in potassium. Eggs, fish, orange juice and fortified milk are good sources of vitamin D. Unhealthy foods contain very little of the nutrients discussed above.
3. Refined And Unrefined Food:

During the process of refining, lots of enzymes, vitamins, and fibers are lost, which makes refined food unhealthy to some extent. The vegetable oils are originally good for health if consumed in reasonable amount. To increase the shelf life of the oil, it is partially hydrogenated and then used for cooking and baking. After the process of hydrogenation, the oil, which was formerly good, turns into less healthy trans-fat. The processed oil has disastrous long-term effects on the body. So, always try to use unrefined and unprocessed ingredients for maintaining better health.
4. Healthy Foods Are Rich In Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are essential to defend the body from free radicals, which can cause cancer. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and beans are rich sources of antioxidants.
5. Different Snacks:

It is very important to choose healthy snacks, because it is during snack time that we consume the unhealthiest of foods! It is healthier to have crunchy vegetables like celery and carrots with a low-fat dip instead of potato chips or French fries with an onion dip. Nuts and air popcorn are healthier than processed food snacks like chips. It is better to pack a small box of dried fruits instead of cookies or candies to munch on at office!
6. Healthy Diets Over Unhealthy Diets:

Healthy diets mainly consist of foods rich in nutrients such as fruits, legumes, whole grains, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and lean meat. On the other hand, diets loaded with saturated fats, added sugar, trans-fat and sodium are a complete no-no! Unhealthy diets often consist of fast foods or processed foods that are deficient in many nutrients and are filled with empty calories.
7. Risk Of Disease:

Following an unhealthy diet increases the risk of many health issues. It increases the chances of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. As per WHO, around 2.7 million people all over the world die every year due to the deficiency of nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits in their diet.
8. Healthy Food Is Rich in Complex Carbohydrates And Fibers:

Carbohydrates are categorized into simple and complex according to the structure of their molecules. Simple carbohydrates mainly contain sugar, while complex carbohydrates include starch and foods with high fiber content. A fiber rich diet improves the digestion process and gives energy. Simple carbohydrates provide energy, but they also lead to some side effects such as mood swings and obesity.
9. Healthy And Unhealthy Meats:

To know whether the meat selected is healthy or unhealthy, it is important to look at its fat content. Meats with low-fat content are healthier. Chicken without any skin, extra lean ground beef and low-fat turkey are considered healthier meats and should be used instead of regular beef, chicken, and hot dogs. Breaded or fried fish and meats should be avoided as the fat content is quite high in them.


To be fit and healthy you need to be physically active.

Regular physical activity can help protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and arthritis. Riding your bicycle regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment.

Riding to work or the shops is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. An estimated one billion people ride bicycles every day – for transport, recreation and sport.

Cycling for health and fitness

It only takes two to four hours a week to achieve a general improvement to your health. Cycling is:

Low impact – it causes less strain and injuries than most other forms of exercise.
A good muscle workout – cycling uses all of the major muscle groups as you pedal.
Easy – unlike some other sports, cycling does not require high levels of physical skill. Most people know how to ride a bike and, once you learn, you don’t forget.
Good for strength and stamina– cycling increases stamina, strength and aerobic fitness.
As intense as you want – cycling can be done at very low intensity to begin with, if recovering from injury or illness, but can be built up to a demanding physical workout.
A fun way to get fit – the adventure and buzz you get from coasting down hills and being outdoors means you are more likely to continue to cycle regularly, compared to other physical activities that keep you indoors or require special times or places.
Time-efficient – as a mode of transport, cycling replaces sedentary (sitting) time spent driving motor vehicles or using trams, trains or buses with healthy exercise.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Job Application

Dear Mr. /Ms_______ (name of the concerned person),

I have come across your advertisement regarding the post of ………………..(mention post) in_________(mention where you saw the advertisement) dated_______(mention date of advertisement).

I am a graduate in…………..(mention subjects) from ___________ University (name). Currently I am working in ………………….(name of current employer) as a …………………..(designation). I have around_____ years of work experience.

I am sending all my certificates including resume for your perusal. Please inform me through email or call me on the telephone number given in the resume if I am short listed.

Your organization has good reputation in the industry and I want to be a part of this esteemed organization. If I am selected, I shall put in all me efforts and become an asset to the organization.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

____________ (Your name)

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Custom Robots Txt in Blogger Blog

Know How

I this global world the teenagers are being addicted with an alarming rate.It's common for a person to relapse, but relapse doesn't mean that treatment doesn’t work. As with other chronic health conditions, treatment should be ongoing and should be adjusted based on how the patient responds. Treatment plans need to be reviewed often and modified to fit the patient’s changing needs.

What happens to the brain when a person takes drugs?

Most drugs affect the brain's "reward circuit" by flooding it with the chemical messenger dopamine. This reward system controls the body's ability to feel pleasure and motivates a person to repeat behaviors needed to thrive, such as eating and spending time with loved ones. This over stimulation of the reward circuit causes the intensely pleasurable "high" that can lead people to take a drug again and again.

As a person continues to use drugs, the brain adjusts to the excess dopamine by making less of it and/or reducing the ability of cells in the reward circuit to respond to it. This reduces the high that the person feels compared to the high they felt when first taking the drug—an effect known as tolerance. They might take more of the drug, trying to achieve the same dopamine high. It can also cause them to get less pleasure from other things they once enjoyed, like food or social activities.

Long-term use also causes changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well, affecting functions that include.
  1. learning
  2. judgment
  3. decision-making
  4. stress
  5. memory
  6. behavior

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Earning from the bottom of life.

The mother tongue is made by the language of mother,if you born in a Arabic country your tongue will Arabic.It seems that if we can apply the e-learning during the foundation age of a men or women,they will be self sufficient from their early age.

This article provide policy options for improving the effectiveness and availability of schools in developing countries. Improving educational competencies is defined as raising the number of primary schools whose students master the core knowledge and skills of the curriculum.

Although low-quality education exists at all levels, improvement is urged at the primary level, where children develop their fundamental behavior and way to learning. Enhancing the quality of education for students in primary schools is a prerequisite for developing the human resource base need to meet the changing technological demands of next 21st century.

In primary education,a brief history in developing countries is now presenting. The significant promising avenues for rising learning achievement are then reviewed, taking into account both cost and effectiveness. Facts looked at include improving the curriculum, providing learning materials with the touch of technology, time for learning and effective teaching. Improving the preparation and motivation of teachers is considered with reference to their normal academic background, pedagogical skill development and motivation. Means of strengthening institutional capabilities are evaluated with regard to constraints on managerial and institutional effectiveness, and strategies for addressing weaknesses in these spheres.

 Disparities in schooling and strategies to encourage balanced access are assessed as part of an evaluation of improving equitable access to primary education. Approaches to strengthening the resource base for education are then discussed. In the context of international aid to education, attention is given to patterns of giving to primary education; why donors have neglected primary education; and new priorities for donor support.But the potential success will achieve through the smooth implementation of e learning in this primary sector.

Also digital Pedagogy is a new way of working and learning with ICT to facilitate quality learning experiences for 21st Century learners. Digital Pedagogy moves the focus from ICT tools and skills, to a way of working in the digital world

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